Jewelry made just for you.

Welcome to my blog. I have just started using the internet for new way to get the word out. I do all crafts,but for this purpose I am trying to sell a few items of my own to get enough money for a new roof for my house. Feel free to comment and help a newbee out.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First Time Blogger...

As I have said, I am new at this.  What I am not new at is finding a great deal.  I am one of those people that get Christmas shopping done well before December.  So I hope to help a few of you out as well.  I will be posting the jewelry that I make and have for sale on this blog; however, I will also be posting great deals on jewelry and jewelry supplies.  So come back often as some sales are only good for a day.  Tell your friends and family about this site.  I look forward to hearing from you, and getting you some great deals.

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