Jewelry made just for you.

Welcome to my blog. I have just started using the internet for new way to get the word out. I do all crafts,but for this purpose I am trying to sell a few items of my own to get enough money for a new roof for my house. Feel free to comment and help a newbee out.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here's some of the children's jewelry that I have been doing.

 This one is a set for baby blessings.  Necklace (adjustable) and matching bracelet.  I have 3 others, but the pictures don't do them justice.
 Pink and purple with double heart pendant
 Very light pink and hot pink with pink foil heart pendant
 Pink and orange with heart pendant
Here are 6 plain pendant necklaces.  fun yet simple.

I made all of these with the intent that they would be for children and preteens.

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