Jewelry made just for you.

Welcome to my blog. I have just started using the internet for new way to get the word out. I do all crafts,but for this purpose I am trying to sell a few items of my own to get enough money for a new roof for my house. Feel free to comment and help a newbee out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jewelry of the Month Club

I am doing a jewelry of the Month Club.  I have some certificates for those who choose to get in on it.  I an only selling 30 of these.  Once they have been sold, that will be it for 1 year.  Here is what the back of the certificate says:

  In this club you are entitled to receiving jewelry every month for one year.  The value of each month will vary.  The approximate value will be between $15-$20, for a total of $200-$220 value.  We do hold the right to send you jewelry that will be worth more in value that $20.  If provided, you will receive an email when the items have shipped each month.  We will be shipping them out between the 1st and the 5th of the month.   They will all be handmade and customized to your color preference.  You will receive a variety of Jewelry, nothing will be duplicated.   If by chance the jewelry is not to your personnel preference, then you have a handmade gift to give to someone that you cherish (No shopping required!)  What's better than that?  

You get free shipping for all of the orders and the cost will be $170.  That's approximately 20% off plus free shipping!!!  Here is February's Necklace:  (there are many colors to choose from.)

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